The Fam

David Archibald

Dentist extraordinaire. Sailboat racer. Ace of cakes.  Town administrator. Lover of peaches, mangoes and bits of rope.

Hunter Archibald

Young doctor, married to soulmate and fellow young doctor Laura Kooistra. Sensitive but sporty bro. Used to own a hedgehog.

Cam Archibald

Organizer since birth. Gorgeous.  Event planner. Married to adorable ginger Michael Kinally.  Can pull off a party for 500 with both hands tied behind her back. Like her mother, understands the importance of cake.

Tess Archibald

Our tiny Cribs.  Youngest of the fam, but all grown up now.  Horse girl, globetrotter, aspiring European supermodel.  Used to spend a lot of time with mice and rats.  

Molly Harrington

Molly grrrl.  Unofficial member of the fam and best friend.  Speaker of German.  Amazing smile.  Brunette but fits right in with the blondies.

The Kinally in-laws

Recently-acquired family. All totally awesome

The Kooistra in-laws

Family acquired summer of 2019.  All totally awesome as well

Me (center), with my sister-friends, Kathy (left) and Shelly, September, 2021


AKA Meatloaf, or Meaty.  Problematic at the vets.  Savage but strangely sweet.  Favorite food:  plastic bags.  Has ironically embarked on career as an emotional support animal.


Failed presidential candidate.  Newspaper columnist.  Stone cold killer.  Professional nemesis to Eloise.  Opinionated.


Sweet and elegant.  A true gentleman.  Big on carrots.  Retired to a lovely farm in Ipswich, Mass, living large with a group of friends.